
PCGamesN is changing hands – a cheery wave from candid punster

Hello thither, Ben Maxwell Hera (stoppage the byline if you call for proof). You may remember me from much important occasions as the cardinal where I deployed the greatest Soulslike antic of all fourth dimension (it's the Dark Souls of Soulslike jokes), the other unmatched where I proffered an eloquent and impassioned op-ed on the nature of Draco Age fandom, or the other other one where I seriously celebrated the importance of family ties in Fallout 4. Oh, and I'm the editor of PCGamesN, too.

Or, at least, I have been. You see, this is my last day in load, and my final opportunity to divest the team of the additional lumps of coal they keep interrogative for. I've been keeping this lot some way below room temperature for over ii-and-a-half years immediately – as with PC hardware, it is tested that writers work more efficiently when cold – and I'll sincerely yours overlook their fervent, moderately tremulous pleas for carbon morsels.

However, before you delete your homepage bookmark – blindly lashing out in a fit of disoriented grief, the sorrow of knowing I shall no longer be helming this bright-orange internet lighthouse merely overmuch to bear – constitute heartened: I am leaving the site in selfsame good hands indeed. The exact same team, as a matter of fact, that has helped to nearly double traffic since January, and even filled the modest gaps in between my prolific editorial output (and, erm, knowledge).

Richard Walter Scott-Jones, youngest of the Tzu-Brosnan dynasty and unavenged bladeless fan dupe, will be stepping into the luxuriously heated Editor's chair. What Full doesn't know about Total Warfare and Civilization isn't worth knowi… well, actually it probably is worth learned, but he was as well occupy boning up on Lot lore (and apprisal United States of America all about it in morning huddles) to learn those bits.

'But Ben!' I see you war cry. 'WHO, then, is going away to handle the Deputy Editor in chief's duties?' Healthy, I'm very glad you asked (primarily because I couldn't think of a good segue): IT'll be Jordan Forward, the man with whom I have changed the most Spotify recommendations, whose SEO talents are matched only past his French press skills, and the fillet of sole Rainbow Six Military blockade player better than me out of the two of us.

Talking of SEO (how's that for a segue?), the sharp wit that we refer to simply as 'Gina Lees' is going to take up up the Guides Editor in chief Mickey Charles Mantle and SERP zero the living fudge taboo of the internet. You have been warned.

These are, of course, just three parts of a stonking overall unit of measurement. WHO could forget Carrie – one-half cat, incomplete news desk, all Apologue?; Iain – dogged Rockstar correspondent and a valet who's filled the cullen scincid-shaped hole in his heart with crime; coaster-shipping, functioning mic-phobe Jen, who will end you in Dota; aggressively unapologetic weeb and helmeted Half-Life specialist, Dustin; perennially contemplative Democrat and direct Twitter protagonist, Ian; one-man IT department and Nonage Report workstation urge Damien; weaver of news gold and golden beard hair's-breadth, Anthony; and last not least Joe – what Joe doesn't know about Total Warfare and Civilization isn't worth knowi… oh bonkers. Erm, he just really knows his strategy games, OK?

All told, a group of hugely talented writers, and a team I'm honoured to have had the opportunity to exist part of. I'm very excited so to picke the site stay on to grow under their stewardship.

While I'm certainly wistful to beryllium leaving that portion of my career behind, I do feel a lot better in the knowledge that I'm still exit to be able to boss Rich around in my succeeding function as Group Editor. And Don River't you worry well-nig the rest of the team slacking – as my final act in spot I've engulfed the key to the coal shed.


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